【問題】Find paper website ?推薦回答

關於「Find paper website」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Google Scholar。

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, ...。

How to download a full research paper using DOI number?。

Adhikari V V Subba Rao Did you get help from https://sci-hub.tw/ ? @Huda naji and @Mousumi Gharai, I heard that using the Sci-Hub site from a laptop is ...: 。

A guide to Twitter for researchers - Author Services。

The Altmetric data available on Taylor & Francis Online enables you to see the attention your article is getting including whose talking about your research on ...: 。

Clarivate - data, insights and analytics for the innovation lifecycle ...。

Clarivate is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics. Our vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects, and advances ...。

Sharing and promoting your article - Authors - Elsevier。

Make a bigger impact and get noticed by sharing your article using Share Link; ... field and allowing your paper to contribute to wider scientific progress.: 。


YouTube 上盡享你喜愛的影片和音樂、上載原創內容,並與親友和世界各地的人分享。

Journal of Nursing Research - Lippincott。

Call for Papers: The Taiwan Nurses Association has published The Journal of Nursing Research (JNR) in English since June 2001 as a vehicle to expand the ...。

Research on Social Work Practice - SAGE Journals。

Trending on Altmetric. Articles most recently published online for this journal.。

Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology - SAGE Journals。

Trending on Altmetric. Articles most recently published online for this journal.。

Aikido Exercises for Teaching and Training。

Internet Aikido www.aikiweb.com is Jun Akiyama's Aikido Web , the most popular Aikido site on the web . To find a dojo , see http://www.aikisearch.com .

常見Find paper website問答